How HBase on Azure is different
When you spin up an Azure HDInsight cluster running HBase, you get a functional HBase installation that just happens to be running on Windows - it’s actually...
When you spin up an Azure HDInsight cluster running HBase, you get a functional HBase installation that just happens to be running on Windows - it’s actually...
.NET Core is in the early stages, but a lot of work is happening there. The ability to run the same .NET code on a Linux or a Windows machine is a huge oppor...
Running a massively scalable NoSQL database in the cloud is super easy, but not cheap if you want to run it 24x7. The managed offering from Azure - a dedicat...
In previous posts, I’ve looked at Unit testing Storm .NET applications using the LocalContext and a mock Context to test your .NET bolts, and A stub Event Hu...
If you’re using Apache Storm on HDInsight and consuming events from Event Hubs, the current ‘get started’ approach is to use a hybrid topology with a Java sp...